Welcome to South Australian Freedivers (SAF)! Our club was formed in 2014 and continues to grow, welcoming and mentoring new members. SAF is a formally incorporated sporting club in South Australia and the state's Affiliated Club of the Australian Freediving Association (which is in turn the Federal commission of the Australian Underwater Federation, the National Sporting Organisation for Underwater Sports). We host multiple pool training sessions each week, the occasional ocean fun dive, and an annual pool competition (the South Australian Freedive Pool Challenge) along with other mini competitions, social events, and workshops from visiting elite divers. We welcome divers of all levels, from complete beginner to experienced, and seek to encourage and develop this sport which we love. Many of our club members have competed at both national and international levels, but you're welcome to train with us whether you’re interested in competition, fitness, spearfishing, underwater photography, breath-hold for surf safety, or just fun diving. Come along to train in a safe environment, meet other enthusiasts, find buddies to dive with, and you could pick up some tips from national and world champions along the way!

Our club committee is made up of a mix of competitive divers, administrators and freediving judges, as well as recreational and social divers. The 2022-2023 committee is made up of:

President: Jody Fisher
Secretary: Natasha Darke
Treasurer: Bradley Gill
Safety Officer: Robin Meldrum
AFA Liaison: Lisa Borg


To join us, you need to join the Australian Freediving Association (AFA) as a SA Freedivers member ($115/year in total, which includes a $20 SAF club member fee). This membership provides the club and its individuals insurance (which we need to have access to pools) and allows the club to reinvest in its activities (e.g. to offset costs of running competitions or workshops). If you aren't sure about a full commitment, there is the option of a 2-week 'have-a-go' starter membership (this is a one-off, and you cannot use it in a competition as a ranked diver). Before you join our regular training sessions, you must complete an induction during which one of our senior divers will get you set up, started, and familiar with how we train. Inductions are held monthly on Tuesday or Friday nights at Westminster pool (contact us for dates and details).

We have some equipment available for loan or cheap hire to help you get started. Club members are always happy to share advice on the best gear and are often willing to let you try on their equipment (such as fins) to help you choose what to buy. (Please note that due to COVID equipment hiring/sharing options are fairly restricted!) We recommend asking the advice of experienced divers before spending too much money!

Going forward, it’s best to have completed a freediving course. However, as this often requires travel and costs, you are welcome to start training with us before your course - it will help you develop the skills and confidence to make the course itself a breeze! We do expect you to complete a freediving course within your first year of training with us, and encourage members to complete a CPR first aid course.

Invitations to regular training sessions are posted on our club facebook page. Please RSVP if you are coming so that we can be sure to accommodate you. Training for all levels is held at Westminster Pool on Tuesday and Friday nights. Additional specialised training is held other times and venues for advanced members. SAF does not charge for pool training sessions - there is a cost of $15 (depending on session) which goes to pool hire.


At SAF we strive for a friendly, fun and inclusive environment, and we prioritise safety at all times. Please look at the links below for more detail about how we achieve this.


Safety & Training Access


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SAF runs several major events a year, including the annual South Australian Freedive Challenge (held over the Adelaide Cup long weekend). As well as occasional minicomps, we also host workshops by international visting divers, including world record holders - previous workshops have been run by Alexey Molchanov and Matt Malina. Check our Facebook page for any upcoming events, and visit our youtube channel to see some competition dives!


Please visit us at our Facebook page for further information.